Monday, 25 February 2013

Youth Sub-Culture: Hippies 1960s

The Hippies movement began in the 1960. It consisted of white teenagers, young adults between the ages of 15-25They opposed political and social orthodoxy and believed that society was corrupt. Their philosophy was to live in peace by resolving differences among people, ideologies and religion. In order to do that they believed that we should be loving and tolerant. They also believed in accepting others as they are and giving people freedom yo express themselves. Lastly, they proposed that we should not judge others based on their appearance. 

Hippies listened to bands and artists such as the Swinging Blue Jeans, Beatniks and The Beatles.

How do we define the term 'Hippies'? The media represents hippies through their clothing, long hair and tendencies. They help people identify hippies by establishing a link between hippies and drugs, alcohol and sleeping on park benches. Whereas the dictionary define hippie as 'those who don't conform to society's standards'. Here are some images that show hippies and some symbols that are associated with them:

Sub Cultures


Sub Cultures were established in england london during the 1950s. Sub cultures are when Elements of different groups merged togther to create thier own sub groups. For example the hippis who origanted is the US who were subculture which tried to promote peace through thier laid back music and persoanlity. They seemed to wear bright colours like Pink and yellow with long hair and accessesories such as beads and Necklases which was influenced by many other groups. Some common triaits which the hippis had and followed were litesening to clasic rock and attenting many Music festivals.

Here are some pictures of hippies :


Ravers :Subculture

Sunday, 24 February 2013



This subculture originated in London in the late 50’s - early 60’s. The key ‘components’ of Mod culture was fashion (usually Italian-tailored, fitted suits), music; African American soul, British beat music, Jamaica ska and R&B. And the last component was their motorized scooters. The original mod scene was also associated with amphetamine-fuelled all-night dancing at clubs.



Glam Rock

I made a prezi but there have been some problems and i have spent the last hour trying to get it to go on the blog but it isnt working! For now, im going to post pictures of the prezi but if i can eventually get it on here i will replace these. Sorry!


Alice cooper link:

Marc bolan link:

Bowie documentary:

Glam rock ads: 

Lesson 2's Homework


Sub-culture; Greasers

Lesson 2: Homework - historical sub-cultures


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Hippies 1960

Skills Audit

Skills that you have developed in researching:


In my AS year, I would say that my research was very basic (compared to the skills I have now) and most of it was done on the internet and through watching thriller openings to get some initial ideas. My AS group didn’t carry out detailed research to gain inspiration for location/mise en scene etc, and because of this, our work definitely wasn’t as strong as it could have been. We did research aspects such as appropriate fonts for our titles, target audiences and structure which was good however the content of our actual opening was mostly made up and improvised. The research we did do was still helpful as it assured us that our idea was heading in the right way, however I definitely think that with much more detailed research our final outcome would have been better.


My A2 group used these same two research methods (internet and watching existing examples) as I did in AS plus a lot more (questionnaires, magazines, HMV visits) , however, the difference was, for every decision made for both the music video and ancillary work, my group did research to make every detail perfect. For the pitch of initial ideas we presented to the class before doing any practical work, research for everything had already been done, from costume to location to target audience. Because of all of this extra work, the strength of our A2 work is visibly higher than the AS work.
Skills that you developed in planning production work.
The planning for my thriller opening consisted of storyboards with initial ideas that were then turnt into an animatic. This was basically the main part of our planning side and it was quite straight forward. We did ensure that the storyboard was perfect and that everyone in the group was happy with it so when it came to filming there were no gaps and we knew exactly what we were doing. Other than the story board, we planned everything very generally, (similarly to the research), we made the decision to film in college (not a specific room, just college) and we decided on the room on the actual first day of filming. In a sense, it does show that our planning was very basic, however, for the length of filming required and the content that my group wanted to specifically include, we didn't need to plan anything complex.
On the other hand, my planning for A2 was very detailed! again, as i mentioned for the research, we planned outfits and location from way before we started filming. We planned our location using some example ones that were available at college, we went for the ones that looked as urban as possible (graffiti, brick walls, alleyways) and went to check them out before actually filming (something that we wouldnt have thought of doing in AS). My group also made a story board - animatic for the music video, but it was much more complicated than in AS, simply because we knew how many different shots had to be used to make a strong piece of work and also because it was a lot longer. We did weekly filming plans, again, another thing we wouldn't have come up with in AS, we planned where we were going to film on which day, at what time, what equipment we were going to need, what was going to be worn and exactly which part of our story board we were going to shoot. All of this planning led to a really successful final product and the knowledge behind our A2 planning is clearly much more developed than in AS.
Skills that you developed in producing video work:
Our filming skills were very basic as it was the first time any of us had produced this type of work. We had a lot of practice before getting to film our thriller opening by doing activities such as the pre-lim and work on the macs of putting existing films in order using final cut pro (had never used it before). I think it was good that our opening wasn't very long as we simply didnt have the right skills or experience to produce a strong lengthy piece. We used equipment such as tripods and lighting which were also new to us but really helped and overall what we produced was quite successful considering none of us had done it before.
This year was a giant leap from AS, we had to produce such a detailed a longer piece compared to anything we had done before. Overall, we were very successful, we had to learn new things relating to music videos which werent relevant for our thrillers such as using basetracks (compulsary) and editing to the beat. Our filming skills were much more advanced this time, we had another practice before summer where we filmed a mock up music video and that really helped as editing to the beat and using a range of different shots had to be done for this too. We tried out a load of new camera angles and movements that we didnt need in AS and it all added to our knowledge, the use of 360 shots and framing are just two of the new skills we picked up which really made our final video stronger. There was so much more to consider for our music video compared to our  thriller opening and the video work was something that we had to practice along the way through trial and error but the main thing that helped our video work was our planning. 

Collective Identity - Subculture - Hippies!

Lesson 2 Homework Historical sub-culture

Monday, 11 February 2013

Skills Audit

Reflecting back on AS:
  • Basic skills on Final Cut Pro; laying down footage and putting them together. Also cutting them up to use in different places and match cutting footage. 
  • Learned how to add transitions in places such as a fade in or fade out. 
  • Adding text on Final Cut Pro to create the title sequence for our thrillers
  • Prelim - this was the first time I used Final Cut Pro. My technical skills have really developed from then. At the time when we were filming our prelim we just filmed a few seconds of still footage for each shot and put it together. However, we realised that we were supposed to film continuously in order to put all the footage together. 
  • Used SoundTrack to construct foley sounds to create suspense in the thriller.  
Research for music video:
  •  When constructing research in AS it was done mostly with the use of the internet. 
  • However, in A2, I varied the way I gathered information such as asking a member of HMV for their views and opinions and asking family and friends for their opinions along side conducting internet research.
  • Research for A2 was different in a sense that we had something to work with because we were using a song from an existing artist. This provided the foundations of what we needed to research on. However, in AS we had to create our own original thrillers which made research harder as we found it hard to come up with a starting point.
Planning for music video:
  •  Planning for our music video was more detailed in comparison to the blogging from the AS year as there was much more material to work with because of influences and inspiration gained from existing artists of the same genre. 
  • Planning approach differed in comparison to AS as we needed to create a solid story line to follow which we all found quite difficult. However, the different narrative approaches gave us more guidance as to how we could approach this making it easier.
  • Even though my blogging lacked consistency, it was an overall success as it clearly showed the journey from research and planning to producing my final piece.
Production of music video:
  •  We planned this differently in a sense that music genres narrow down our choices down making it easier for us to have definite decisions as to where we were going to film and what we needed to film. 
  • For our thriller in AS the location was a difficult element to decide on because of how big the scope was. We could have filmed literally anywhere, making it harder for us to decide. 
  • The filming schedule this year helped us more than last year as we were more specific and detailed about every aspect of what we needed and also we were much were organised. 
  • I have learnt a lot more editing skills such as using base tracks to construct a music video. Also, using markers to mark each beat so I know when it cut when we actually came to editing. 
  • I experimented with video filters and transitions such as mirror effects, earthquake and kaleidoscope.
  • Other skills I have developed includes reversing footage and manipulation of time.
  • I also experimented with overlapping footage and changing the opacity of it to show multiple footages at the same time and I also learnt how to create repetition with the same footage to the build up of the chorus.   
How far would you say your skills have developed over the two years of studying for A Level?
My skills have developed over the two years of studying for A Level in many areas. I have developed so much technical skills especially with Final Cut Pro and Photoshop as I had zero knowledge with the two programs. However, as well as technical skills I have also developed other every day essential skills such as my social skills. Working with a group for both years enhanced my people skills a lot as we had to share ideas and listen to each others contributions. Also, A Level media has made me very organised in terms of meeting deadlines and planning my time out carefully when doing work as I had other deadlines to meet.